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- Flooring
Among homeowners, vinyl sheet flooring is one of the most popular floor covers. It is durable and waterproof, which makes it perfect for kitchens and bathrooms. Its affordable price makes it great for budget-friendly renovation. Whether you want to ask a professional or manage it as a DIY project to have a high-quality and low-stress vinyl sheet flooring installation, you need to know the steps. Preparation is the key to success. You can install vinyl sheets almost on any clean, dry, and level surface, but it isn’t recommended for installing on stairs.
Depending on the sheet construction, installation methods vary among vinyl sheet flooring products. Traditional fiberglass-backed or composite stone-backed products and felt-backed products are two types of vinyl sheets.
Generally, there are two main methods for installing vinyl sheet flooring
a) Loose-Lay
b) Glue down
If you are looking for a DIY-friendly and temporary method, it would be best to choose the loose-lay installation. On the other hand, glue-down installation is known as permanent installing, and it would be better to the left for an expert.
Regardless of installation method, consider below challenges
– Select your installation pattern
It would be best if you decided initially which direction you want to lay the sheet vinyl.
– Acclimation the vinyl sheets
It is required to unroll the sheets for at least 24 hours before installation to acclimate. This brings it up to room temperature
– Buying more sheets
You need to buy about 5% to 10% extra sheet flooring to account for expected wastage.
– Disassemble the place
Take all obstacles and obstructions as possible. Remove floor trim molding and the trim nails, and then move portable shelves, heating vents, and even the cabinets and toilets. Although it takes time and extra work, in the end makes the installation go faster and easier. Also, it helps to hold down the flooring.
– Seaming the small area
Seaming is not required for bathrooms and other small spaces less than 12 feet wide since usually the wide sheet vinyl rolls are 12 feet wide or more.
– Wait for reinstallation
Please don’t add any permanent fixture like cabinet immediately after installation because it can lead to pinch points.
Before or during installation, if you or your professional installer has any questions, contact our Customer Service team.
Tools and equipment you will need
2.Putty knife
3.Oscillating multi-tool
4.Manual screwdrive
5.Cordless drill and driver bits
6.Utility knife
7.Tape measure
8.100 lb floor roller
9.Soft-bristled Push broom
You can buy each of the above items from here.
And required materials:
- Vinyl sheet flooring
- Pre-mixed floor patch and level compound
- Double-sided vinyl tape
Browse our flooring shop to find your desired product. On sale products are available here.
Estimation of required material:
To measure the room’s area in square yards, first, you need to calculate the square feet. Then you could get square yards.
Square Feet = Length (Feet) x Width (Feet)
Square Yards = Square Feet ÷ 9 (Square Feet in a Yard)
Follow 8 steps to learn how to install Loose Lay Vinyl Sheets?
I. The first step for installing is preparing the subfloor. It doesn’t matter if the subfloor is concrete, hardwood, linoleum, or vinyl flooring; the subfloor should be properly clean. Besides, it needs to be flat, and level, and free of any gaps and seams. Because it will appear on the surface of soft vinyl.
II. Putting the underlayment
III. Cut the vinyl sheet to fit
You can fit the vinyl sheets in two ways
- Measure the entire floor area and cut the vinyl sheet 3 inches wider on all sides of the floor area. Now you can lay down the sheet in place and trim the excess. Cut around any objects in the room with a sharp utility knife. This installing way is the best choice for a few angles rooms.
- The other way is making a template of floor layout. Then transfer the template to the vinyl sheet. Now you can cut it properly before laying it in the place.
IV. After cutting, roll back the vinyl sheet from the edge. Use a double-sided vinyl tape to line the perimeter. To ensure a secure bond, press the vinyl tape against the subfloor using a block or other flat object.
V. Once the entire perimeter and any seams are lined with vinyl tape, peel off each section’s backing and unroll the sheet vinyl onto the tape. Press the vinyl sheet firmly onto the tape.
VI. Follow this instruction for the whole room.
VII. Fill in the edges with a silicone sealant if you are installing the sheet vinyl in a moisture-prone area to prevent moisture from getting under the vinyl sheet.
VIII. To finish the job, you should roll the perimeter with a 100lb roller to ensure a secure bond between the subfloor and vinyl sheet.
This video can help you to do installation easier.
How to Glue Down Vinyl Sheets?
The stable method for installing vinyl sheets is the glue-down or fully adhered method. You have two options for gluing down the vinyl sheets:
- Permanent bond
- Resealable bond
Shop vinyl sheet flooring in Orange County.
Six Steps of Permanent Bond Method for Vinyl Sheets
01. Just look like the loose-lay method; the subfloor should be smooth and clean. It should be porous enough to bond with the adhesive. Typically, it needs to install underlayment for a wood subfloor, while for the concrete subfloor, it just needs to become flat and level.
02. Roll out the sheet and start to cut it in size. Leave a 1/8 – ¼ inch gap between the edges of the sheet and vertical surfaces. Also, it would help if you line up any seams at this time.
03. Now roll or fold the sheet back to expose half of the subfloor. At this point, snap a chalk line to indicate where you should stop applying adhesive.
04. With using a notched trowel, spread the adhesive evenly. Make sure it’s in a tacky-wet state.
05. Install the adhesive immediately after applying the adhesive. Rather than laying or dropping it over, roll the sheet into adhesive because this could cause air bubbles. By using a 100 lb floor roller, press the sheet securely into the adhesive. To embed the flooring and remove trapped air, start in the middle of the sheet and work outward toward the edges.
06. Whenever you finished with the first half of the sheet, and fully adhered,then a star rolled and folded back the second half and you can repeat the above process.
Six Steps of Resealable Bond Method for Vinyl Sheets
Here you have the option of secure installation. Besides, you have the opportunity to remove and reapply the sheet as needed. The main difference between a permanent bond and a resealable bond is how dry the adhesive is before applying the sheet. A drier adhesive creates a gentler bond.
01. Just as the previous method, make sure about the condition of your subfloor. Full prepare it for installation.
02. Fold back one half of the vinyl sheet to expose the subfloor after the sheet has been rolled out and cut to size, and all seams are aligned. For the first application of adhesive, snap a chalk line to indicate the shopping point.
03. Using a paint roller, apply the vinyl adhesive evenly and let it become dry until it is in a dry-tacky state.
04. Gently roll the sheet over the subfloor once the adhesive is ready. Be aware that you should not drop or lay it over because it can create air bubbles under the sheet.
05. By using a soft-bristled push broom, press the sheet into the adhesive. Do it from the middle of the sheet and work outwards. Embed the sheet using a hand seam roller for the areas that cannot be reached by push broom.
06. For the second half of the vinyl sheet, repeat the same process. In the end, re-install any molding, trims, or doors.
Not: Whatever we mentioned above are just general guidelines, so always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the most accurate information.
How to Install Sheet Vinyl Flooring
Wallender, Loee. (2020 Octeber,13) How to Lay Vinyl Sheet Flooring
How to lay sheet vinyl
H.Holly, (2020, November,12) How to Install Sheet Vinyl Flooring
Vinyl Sheet Flooring Installation
How to Install a Sheet Vinyl Floor
How to Install Vinyl Flooring
Flooring America